
Simple and easy-to-use notification system for React with Tailwind CSS

Get started now

npm install anni


Use npm, pnpm, or bun to install Anni in your project.

# npm install anni

Tailwind CSS configuration

To include Anni in your Tailwind CSS build, add the following to your tailwind.config.js file.

import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'
export default {
content: [
} satisfies Config


Use the toast function to render a toast notification.

import { toast, Toaster } from 'anni'
export default function App() {
return (
<Toaster />
<button onClick={() => toast('Success Toast 🚀')}>
Render a toast


Anni, you have several types of notifications and they are very easy to execute.

toast('Default Toast 🚀')


Anni, you have several types of notifications and they are very easy to execute.

toast('With action button 🌐', {
action: () => {}


The variant prop is used to change the appearance of the toast.

toast('Default Toast 🚀')

With close button

You can add a close button to the toast by setting the closeButton option to true.

toast('Default Toast 🚀', {
closeButton: true
// or
<Toaster defaultCloseButton />


The position prop is used to change the position of the toast.

toast('Right top toast 🚀', {
position: 'top-left'